Friday, February 12, 2010

Airplanes I

You know what sucks? When your sitting in a window seat on an airplane and you have to pee really bad, but the person in the aisle is asleep. I've always wondered what I would do if this happened to me and Monday I found out.

I was minding my own business reading Harry Potter when the grande vanilla latte and 20 ounces of bottled water I had before the flight kicked in. Probably a stupid move on my part.

The lady next to me was snuggled up under her coat, and her head flopped to the left.

Crap. I thought, and tried to tell myself I could make it the final 30 minutes. I quickly realized I couldn't.

Nevertheless, I whipped out my pocket journal and began scribbling about my current dilemma, knowing that it would make excellent fodder for my blog. As soon as I put the pen to the paper, Sleeping Beauty lifted her head and opened her eyes.

Oh no! I thought. I'm not done writing. And so I scribbled faster, glancing sideways every now and then to make sure she was still awake. Sure enough, half way through the writing process, she closed her eyes and let her head sink back to her shoulder.

Dang it! Now what do I do?

Oh the things we do for art.

Luckily for me, the flight attendant must have felt my pain because her angelic voice came over the intercom and said, "We are about to make our final decent. If anyone needs to make a final run to use the facilities or stretch they're legs, please do so now, as we will be turning on the seat belt signs soon. Thank you."

Rumpelstiltskin stirred in her seat, and I jumped at my chance.

"Excuse me!" I said standing. "I need to use the restroom."

She nodded and smiled, then got out of her seat.

"Thank you!"

I rushed to the back of the plane. Relief. Why the heck did I think writing was more important than going to the bathroom. Next time I'm just going to wake her up and you should too. The aisle seat is a crappy seat in the first place, so the person sitting in it shouldn't expect the luxury of sleeping anyway.

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